Airports and Wireless
Sunday, March 13, 2011
In today's modern world, it is infuriating the inconsistency in wireless internet access in airports. There are four types of airports in my experience:
- Airports with no wireless internet (mostly regional)
- Airports with free wireless internet (these are airports I like)
- Airports with one internet wireless carrier that you have to purchase airtime from (these are airports I dislike a lot)
- Airports with multiple internet carriers that allow you to choose a carrier you may have a monthly plan with
The third option is frustrating because you have to sign up a new carrier for that airport. In some cases, the carrier charges extortionate rate (sorry $10 an hour is extortionate). Sometimes you can roam with your own home carrier but I find roaming charges are extraordinary.
Heres a fantastic list of airports with wireless! NB It is US focused.
I would like:
1. free wireless in all airports
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